Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease also called regional enteritis or ileitis, is a lifelong form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The condition in flames and irritates the digestive tract specifically the small and large intestines. The disease can occur at any age, but most often diagnosed in adolescents and adults between ages of 20-30.

There are 5 main types of Crohn’s disease. These are

Ileocolitis (inflames the end of the small intestine & a portion of large intestine)

Ileitis (inflames the last section of the small intestine)

Gastroduodenal  Crohn’s (Inflames the stomach & start of the small intestine)

Jejunoileitis (inflames the middle part of the small intestine)

Crohn’s (Granulomatous) Colitis (in flames only the colon).

Symptoms of Crohn’s disease are diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, fever, fatigue, blood in the stool, mouth sores, reduced appetite and weight loss.

A Harvard University study found that people who ate lots of foods linked to inflammation were at higher risk of getting Crohn’s disease. These foods include processed meat, sweets, refined grains.

In crohn’s disease foods to avoid are whole grains, beans, high fiber fruits & vegetables, nuts & seeds, alcohol & caffeine, sweeteners, spicy foods, greasy & fatty foods.

Best foods for a Crohn’s diet are grains, oatmeal, low fiber fruits, juices, lean meat, oily fish, prepared vegetables. Crohn’s disease is a challenging disease for the healthcare service to manage. As there is no cure for the condition, the main aims of treatment are disease control and maximising quality of life. Doctors treat Crohn’s disease with medicines, bowel rest , and surgery.The goals of treatment are to decrease inflammation in your intestines, to prevent flare-ups of your symptoms, and to keep you in remission.

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